Should You Retain a Lawyer in an Uncontested Divorce?

Divorce is often associated with ongoing disputes and court battles. Although a lot of divorces are quite adversarial, some divorcing couples may opt to work together to resolve their issues amicably. If you and your spouse are getting along and agreeing on most things in your divorce, you may be able to save both money and time on the process. And while you may prefer to handle the process by yourself, it is best to consult an divorce attorney, so you can understand your rights and avoid disputes as much as possible. Retaining an attorney is still important in an uncontested divorce because of the following reasons:

Avoid Devastating Consequences

If you have filed a divorce, you must understand your rights and the divorce process itself. Otherwise, your settlement agreement can include terms that may not be clear to you. Without an attorney, you could waive your rights to certain assets you should have a share of. For instance, if your spouse started a business while you are married, you co-own this business. Without an attorney’s legal guidance, you could agree to your spouse telling you that they are keeping the business. Understanding your rights ensures that your settlement agreement is in your best interest and doesn’t lead to devastating consequences. 

Disputes Can Arise

Although you and your spouse may get along now, you may be in dispute over things when emotions are high. Once this happens, you may not be able to communicate effectively. Thankfully, if you have an attorney representing you, they could communicate with your spouse for you. Your lawyer can negotiate more effectively than you who have an emotional stake in a dispute’s outcome. 

Your Actions Can Have a Say on the Outcome of Your Divorce

Even if you have an uncontested divorce, you need an attorney because what you do or say can have a significant impact on your divorce’s outcome. For instance, if you have separated amicably, you may start dating again or go out with friends frequently to celebrate your freedom. However, these actions could impact your legal rights when your divorce becomes contested later. A judge may take into account infidelity when determining how marital assets and property must be split. Often, they will not look favorably on you. Also, going out and drinking alcohol frequently may not leave the judge questioning your ability to take care of your children effectively. As a result, the judge may award custody to your spouse. 

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